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Owning Means Proper Valuation

Writer's picture: Bro. Garry McDevittBro. Garry McDevitt

In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus tells us that if we are going to own Christianity, we must have the proper sense of the value of things.

He teaches us to value what heaven values, and what God values, and not what is temporary and and fleeting, and subject to deterioration.

He teaches us to have a proper eye to what is worth pursuing, and a proper sense of what is important And valuable. How we view things says whether or not we own our faith. If we value the wrong things in life, our eye is bad, and full of darkness.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body

will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that

is in you is darkness, how great is that


‭‭ (Matthew‬ ‭6:22-23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

In v. 24 of Matthew 6, Jesus indicates that owning means rightly choosing what will govern and guide our lives. We can’t have money and the procurement of it, and God, as equal governors. Owning means choosing our Master. Whatever we choose will be our god (or God), and our guide. the master we choose will definitely be in the driver seat of our lives. We have to choose carefully. It’s all about values.

If you want to evaluate your ownership of your faith, examine and consider honestly what guides your decision making. Do you find that proper values and a proper sense of mastery are guiding you and your decisions.

Own by being owned.

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PO Box 180

Prue, OK 74060

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654 Lake Dr

Prue, OK 74060

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Office: 918-242-3672

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