In a world where dishonesty is an accepted norm, and in a political climate where we are told so many things with the intention of gaining votes, the need for a teaching on pure honesty is evident.
Jesus says here that ownership means being purely honest. We expect people to tell us the truth, especially when they place their hand on the Bible, or appeal to the “so help you God.”
But Jesus says here, in His Sermon on Ownership, that’s simple honesty, and answering with a simplistic “yes“ or “no,” is not only requested, but the high expectation of owners of the faith.
“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”
(Matthew 5:37 NKJV)
An owner of the faith does not need to be coerced into telling the truth by laying his hand on a Bible, or by appealing to a higher authority, or using more intense language like swearing to tell it. He or she simply tells the truth.
Politicians seeking office may not ever answer the question they are asked with a pure yes or no, but an owner of Christianity must!
Owning means having verbal integrity.
Can you simply answer “yes“ or “no” ?